
Index | 173
Printer (continued)
storing, 146 to 147
total print volume, 127
transporting, 146 to 148
turning off, 13
unpacking, 22 to 23
weight, 165
Printer driver
installing in Mac OS X, 37 to 41
installing in Windows, 41 to 43
banding, 156
blank paper, 160
blurry prints, 158
cable, 159
color, 160
diagnosing, 149
faint prints, 157
ghosting, 156
graininess, 156
inverted image, 160
margin, 160
misalignment, 156
misregistration, 156
nothing prints, 159
operational, 159
paper, 161 to 163
print quality, 155 to 158
print speed, 122
printer driver, 159 to 160
printing stops, 159
roll paper cannot be cut, 160
size limitation, 122
smeared prints, 158, 160
Progress Meter, 121, 122
Registering non-Epson media,
75 to 77
Remaining paper setup, 52
Requirements, system, 11 to 12
Mac OS X, 85
Windows, 104
Roll paper
attaching to spindle, 54
cannot be cut, 160
cutting manually, 60
loading, 49 to 58
Mac OS X settings, 90 to 92
printable area, 168
remaining, 52
removing from spindle, 58 to 59
Save Roll Paper setting, 91, 108
tracking, 52
trim lines, 61, 91
Windows settings, 108 to 113
approvals, 166
instructions, 12 to 15
Save Roll Paper setting, 91, 108
Setting up the printer, 19 to 46
Shipping bracket
removing, 32
using, 146
installing in Mac OS X, 37 to 41
installing in Windows, 41 to 43
uninstalling, 164
electrical, 165
environmental, 165
ink cartridges, 168
paper, 166 to 168
printable area, 168
printer, 165 to 166
Speed and Progress utility, 122 to 123
adapter, 53
loading roll paper, 54
removing roll paper, 58 to 59
switch, 54