3Com Video Game Controller User Manual

switch, enter the save config command as soon the
switch finishes restarting.
For complete syntax information about the new com-
mands and options, see the Wireless Switch Manager
Command Reference.
Installing Upgrade Activation Keys on a
WX4400 or WX2200
The WX4400 and WX2200 can boot and manage up
to 24 MAPs by default. You can increase the MAP
support up to 120 MAPs, by installing activation keys.
To obtain an activation key, access the 3Com web site
(www.3Com.com). Each license and activation key
pair allows the switch to actively manage an addi-
tional 24 MAPs. You can install up to four upgrade
license and activation key pairs, to actively manage up
to 120 MAPs.
To upgrade a WX license:
1 Obtain a license coupon for the upgrade from 3Com
or your reseller.
2 Establish a management session with the WX switch
to display the switch’s serial number.
To use the CLI to display the serial number, type the
following command:
display version
In the following example, the switch serial number is
WX1200> display version
Mobility System Software Copyright (c) 2002,
2003 reserved.
Build Information: (build#67) TOP
Model: WX
Mainboard: version 24 ; revision
PoE board: version 1 ; FPGA
Serial number 1234567890
Flash: - md0a
Kernal: 3.0.0#20: Fri May
BootLoader: 4.10 / 4.1.0
3 Install the license using the following command:
set license
The following example shows how to install an
upgrade license and activation key:
WX4400# set license WXL-076E-93E9-62DA-54D8
Serial Number: 1234567890
License Number: 245
License Key: WXL-076E-93E9-62DA-54D8
Activation Key: WXA-3E04-4CC2-43OD-B508
Feature: 24 additional ports
Expires: Never
48 ports are enabled
success: license was installed
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