Follow these guidelines for successful bar code scanning.
1) Turn on the X-Rite
instrument. Be sure the
instrument is in the
Storage mode.
2) Hold the BCR in your hand
as you would a pencil. The
BCR works best when tilted
from 10° to 30°, although
any angle from 5° to 45°
will work. See Figure 2.
3) Place the tip of the BCR on
the white space to the left or
right of the bar code. Drag
the BCR smoothly and
lightly across the bar code.
Do not lift the tip of the
BCR from the surface of the
bar code. See Figure 3.
4) The instrument will display
the title of the bar code if the
scan was successful. If the
display appears blank try
scanning the bar code again.
If after several scanning
attempts the display still
appears blank, see Section
9.3, Troubleshooting.
Figure 2
Figure 3