user does not specify a COS or any hints with the creation request. The global configuration specifies a
default COS for an entire HPSS installation. Selecting a COS on the storage subsystem configuration
window allows the global value to be overridden for a particular subsystem.
If the field is blank, the global default COS will be used. If no Classes of Service are configured, this
value can be updated after the Classes of Service are in place.
Subsystem Name. The descriptive name of the storage subsystem. This field may be set only when the
storage subsystem is created. The name should be unique and informative. It can contain a character
string up to 31 bytes long. The default value is “Subsystem #<ID>”.
Database Name. The name of the database to be used to store the metadata for the storage subsystem.
Gatekeeper. The default value is “None”.
Advice - If an appropriate Gatekeeper has not yet been configured, simply leave this configuration entry
blank. It can be updated after the Gatekeeper is in place.
Allowed COS list. A list of Classes of Service that can be used by this subsystem. To allow a COS to be
used by this subsystem, the corresponding checkbox must be selected in the Allow column of the list. At
least one COS must always be selected. The user will not be permitted to de-select the COS defined to
be the Default Class of Service. If this subsystem configuration does not have a Default Class of Service
defined, then the COS chosen as the Global Configuration’s Default Class of Service cannot be de-
Note that a newly created COS will not appear in the selection list until the Core Server and
Migration Purge Server associated with the subsystem have been recycled. When new Classes of
Service are added, the initial allowed state for that COS is determined by the current setting for
the other Classes of Service. If all previous Classes of Service were allowed, the new COS will
be allowed. Otherwise, the new COS will be disallowed.
Advice - By default, the servers in a subsystem are able to use any configured COS. This table allows an
administrator to prevent a subsystem from using particular Classes of Service.
When a new Class of Service is added to a system, it will automatically be enabled for all subsystems
which have no disabled Classes of Service. It will be disabled in all other subsystems. If this is not the
desired configuration, the COS will have to be allowed/disallowed for each subsystem individually.
Disallowing all Classes of Service in a subsystem is not permitted.
Metadata Space Warning Threshold. The Core Server in this subsystem will issue a warning alarm
periodically and set its Opstate to Major when the percentage of used space in any DB2 tablespace in this
subsystem’s database exceeds this value.
Metadata Space Critical Threshold. The Core Server in this subsystem will issue a critical alarm
periodically and set its Opstate to Critical when the percentage of used space in any DB2 tablespace in
this subsystem’s database exceeds this value.
Metadata Space Monitor Interval. The Core Server for this subsystem will check the metadata usage
statistics at the indicated interval, specified in seconds. If a value of 0 is specified, the Global
Configuration setting will be used for this storage subsystem. The minimum value for this field is 1800
seconds (30 minutes).
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 78