Field Descriptions
User Login Name. The name that the user entered as the User ID when logging into HPSS.
User Authority. The authority level that the user has in order to perform operations in SSM. This can be
admin or operator.
Login Time. The time that the user logged into SSM.
Total Session Time. The amount of time that the user has had the graphical user interface running.
Total Time Connected to System Manager. The amount of time that the user has been connected to the
System Manager. This is the time that has elapsed since the login was successful.
Time of Last Successful RPC Call. The time that the last RPC call was made to the System Manager
which completed successfully.
RPC Calls Succeeded. The number of successful RPC calls made by this user session.
RPC Calls Failed. The number of unsuccessful RPC calls made by this user session.
Free Memory. Amount of free memory available in the hpssgui program.
Total Memory. Amount of total memory available in the hpssgui program.
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 68