This window provides an interface for repacking tape virtual volumes.
Field Descriptions
Storage Class Name. The name of the storage class that will be repacked.
Storage Class ID. The ID of the storage class that will be repacked.
Subsystem ID. The ID of the subsystem which contains the volumes to be repacked.
Core Server. The name of the Core Server that manages the volumes to be repacked.
File Family Criteria. Indication of whether to use File Family criteria. Click on the button to drop-
down a list of available options. Select Ignore to indicate not to use the File Family criteria when
selecting volumes for repack. Select the name of a file family to repack if you want to use File Family
criteria. When a file family is selected, volumes assigned to that family will become candidates for
repack. Volumes not in the selected family will not be candidates. Storage segments on repacked
volumes will be transferred to other volumes assigned to the same family. If no writable tape volumes are
available in the family, a new blank volume will be chosen and assigned to the family. If Not in a family
is selected, volumes not assigned to any file family will become candidates for repack. Volumes that
have been assigned to a file family will not be candidates.
Number of VVs to Repack. The maximum number of tape volumes to repack. If repack does not find
this many candidate volumes, those that have been selected will be repacked and no error will result.
VV Space. This is a repack selection criterion expressed as a percentage. If the amount of occupied space
on a candidate tape is less than this value, the tape will be considered for repacking. Tape volumes with
larger amounts of occupied space will not be considered.
The occupied space percentage is calculated by summing the lengths of the files on the candidate tape
and comparing that sum to the VV Estimated Size field in the storage map. If this ratio is less than the
VV Space percentage, the volume is selected. Note that vacated files in file aggregates on tapes will not
be counted as occupied space. A tape containing a relatively small number of large file aggregates from
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 261