subsystem is selected in the list.
Delete - Delete the selected subsystem(s). This button is disabled unless a subsystem is selected in the
Always contact HPSS customer support before deleting a subsystem definition. An improperly
deleted subsystem can cause serious problems for an HPSS system. Refer to Section 4.2.5
Deleting a Storage Subsystem on Page 81.
Related Information
HPSS Installation Guide, Section 2.2.7: Storage Subsystems and Section 2.3.3: HPSS Storage
Section Generating an Accounting Report on page 332
4.2.2. Creating a New Storage Subsystem
The steps detailed in the following sections should be followed to create a new storage subsystem within
an HPSS system. These steps are:
1. Create the Storage Subsystem Metadata (Section Create Storage Subsystem Metadata
on page 79)
2. Create the Storage Subsystem Configuration (Section Create Storage Subsystem
Configuration on page 79)
3. Create the Storage Subsystem Servers (Section Create Storage Subsystem Servers on
page 80)
4. Assign a Gatekeeper to the subsystem, if required (Section Assign a Gatekeeper if
Required on page 80)
5. Assign Storage Resources to the Storage Subsystem (Section Assign Storage Resources
to the Storage Subsystem on page 80)
6. Create the Storage Subsystem Fileset and Junction (Section Create Storage Subsystem
Fileset and Junction on page 80)
7. Configure Migration and Purge Policy Overrides (Section Migration and Purge Policy
Overrides on page 81)
8. Configure Storage Class Threshold Overrides (Section Storage Class Threshold
Overrides on page 81)
4.2.3. Storage Subsystem Configuration Window
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 76