applicable to the platform on which the graphical user interface is running.
Custom Look and Feels are also available at http://www.javootoo.com
· -b "background color"
• The only Look and Feel that supports color settings and themes is the metal Look
and Feel. The color may be set by using the color name or hexadecimal
Red/Green/Blue value. Here are some examples:
• Name Hexadecimal value
• red 0xff0000
• green 0x00ff00
• blue 0x0000ff
• cyan 0x00ffff
• yellow 0xffff00
• magenta 0xff00ff
· -T "theme file"
• The theme setting is only applicable when used with the metal Look and Feel.
There are eight color parameters that can be used to customize the look of HPSS
windows: three primary colors, three secondary colors, black and white. The
color settings may be stored in a theme file using the following syntax:
• hpss.ssm.ssmuser.hpssgui.CustomMetalTheme.primary1=COLOR
• hpss.ssm.ssmuser.hpssgui.CustomMetalTheme.primary2=COLOR
• hpss.ssm.ssmuser.hpssgui.CustomMetalTheme.primary3=COLOR
• hpss.ssm.ssmuser.hpssgui.CustomMetalTheme.secondary1=COLOR
• hpss.ssm.ssmuser.hpssgui.CustomMetalTheme.secondary2=COLOR
• hpss.ssm.ssmuser.hpssgui.CustomMetalTheme.secondary3=COLOR
• hpss.ssm.ssmuser.hpssgui.CustomMetalTheme.black=COLOR
• hpss.ssm.ssmuser.hpssgui.CustomMetalTheme.white=COLOR
• COLOR should be specified using the color name or Red/Green/Blue
hexadecimal value (see the example under the -b flag above).
• If the theme file location is not specified on the command line, the default value
used is ${HOME}/hpss-ssm-prefs/DefaultTheme.
• Buttons may be “disabled” when the current state of the window does not allow an operation to be
performed. In this state, a button is visible but its label text is grayed out and clicking it has no
effect. The disabled state occurs when the operation is not supported for the selected item or the
SSM user does not have sufficient authority to perform the operation
• A “text” field is any field which displays alphanumeric text or numeric data. This does not
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 48