Extended ACL. If any ACL entry other than the default ACL entries exist, then the file or directory is
said to contain extended ACLs. There are three type of ACLs that could have extended ACLs:
• Object ACL – HPSS Name Space Object ACL
• IC ACL – HPSS Name Space Initial Container ACL
• IO ACL – HPSS Name Space Initial Object ACL
A check mark will be put into each of the ACLs containing extended ACL entries for this file or
directory. For example, if a directory contains an USER ACL entry in the Object ACL and Initial
Container ACL, then both the Object ACL and IC ACL checkboxes will contain check marks.
Fileset Information
The Fileset Information group contains key fileset attributes for the root node of the fileset containing the
file or directory.
Fileset ID. The ID number which identifies the fileset containing the file or directory . The 64-
bit Fileset ID is displayed as two 32-bit unsigned integers separated by two commas.
Fileset Root Object ID. The ID number which identifies the root node of the fileset which
contains the file or directory. This value is a 64-bit object ID.
Fileset State. Filesets have three access states - read, write, and destroyed. If a fileset allows reading, a
check mark is displayed in the box labeled Read. If a fileset allows data to be written, a check mark is
displayed in the box labeled Write. If a fileset is turned off, a check mark is displayed in the box labeled
Show Bitfile ID. This button is displayed only for file objects. It opens a separate window to display the
Storage Object ID which identifies the Core Server bitfile.
Freeze. Clicking on this checkbox freezes the window; in other words, all automatic updates to the
window are suspended. Toggling the checkbox again returns the window, and the checkbox, to their
normal conditions. Any accumulated changes that occurred while the window was frozen are
immediately displayed.
Refresh. Requests that the current information about this fileset be fetched from the Core Server.
Dismiss. Closes the window.
Note: The table below indicates which fields/attributes apply to both files and directories or just one of
the two. Please refer to it to see which fields on the File/Directory Information window apply to files
and/or directories.
Attributes of Files/Directories
Attribute File Dir
Account x x
BitfileId x
Attribute File Dir
RealmId x x
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 320