which a large percentage of the files have been deleted, may be selected by repack.
If VV Space is 100, the comparison is not performed and selection of tape volumes to repack is made
using the remaining criteria.
Repack Options.
• Select Only Retired VVs. If selected, repack selects only retired volumes in the indicated storage
class. Retired volumes may be in RO, EMPTY or EOM condition. DOWN volumes are never
selected. If this option is not selected, both retired and non-retired tape volumes in RO, EMPTY or
EOM condition may be selected.
• Include Shelved VVs. Tape volumes which have been removed from HPSS using the shelf tape
utility are eligible for repack.
Repack. Press this button to start the repack program on the indicated storage class. Tape volumes that
meet the repack criteria will be repacked. Status messages are displayed on the status bar at the start and
end of the repack. Reclaim Virtual Volumes Window
This window is used to run the reclaim utility program which removes and recreates tape virtual
Field Descriptions
Storage Class Name. The name of the storage class selected for reclaiming.
Storage Class ID. The ID of the storage class selected for reclaiming.
Subsystem ID. The ID of the subsystem in which the volumes to be reclaimed reside.
Core Server. The name of the Core Server that will perform the reclaim operations.
Number of VVs to Reclaim. The number of tape virtual volumes in the storage class that will be
reclaimed. If the number of candidate volumes is less than this value, all eligible volumes will be
reclaimed. Retired volumes are never reclaimed.
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 262