This window allows you to change which PVR owns a set of cartridges. Before initiating the request
from the SSM window, the cartridges must already be physically placed into a tape library managed by
the new PVR.
The list of the volumes to be moved may be constructed in any of three ways. Each volume name may be
typed in one at a time, or a list of volume names may be automatically generated from a single entry, or a
list of volume names may be specified from an input file. Volume names are not entered directly into the
Volume List at the bottom of the window.
Any of the three entry methods may be repeated multiple times on the same window to add additional
volumes to the list. All three entry methods or any combination of them may be used in succession on the
same window.
To add a single volume name to the Volume List, set the Fill Count and the Fill Increment fields each
to 1 and type the volume name into the Volume Label field. The volume name will be added to the
Volume List.
To automatically generate a list of volume names in the Volume List, set the Fill Count to the desired
number of volumes. Set the Fill Increment to the number by which each automatically generated label
should differ from the previous one. Then type the starting volume name into the Volume Label field.
The specified number of volume names will be added to the Volume List, each one larger than the
previous entry by the specified Fill Increment.
Fill Count = 6
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 281