Chapter 2 97
Installing ITO Agents on the Managed Nodes
General Installation Tips for Managed Nodes
tar xvf nsp_pkg
3. Install the agent on the node:
pkgadd -d <directory> -a <directory>/OPC/install/admin \
If appropriate, install ANS on the node, too:
pkgadd -d <directory> -a <directory>/OPC/install/admin \
Activate the Node Using the Command Line:
You can activate the agent on the node over the net (without the GUI and
without root access) by using the following command-line steps:
Activate the Node Using the ITO GUI:
After the node with the pre-installed agent is connected to the network,
use this procedure to activate and register the managed node.
1. Add the pre-installed node(s) to the ITO Node Bank using the menu
sequence: Actions:Node->Add.
2. Add the node to an ITO node group. The easiest way to do this is to
drag and drop it onto a node group in the ITO Node Group Bank
3. Distribute the ITO configuration to the node:
a. Select Actions:Agents->Install from the menu bar of the
ITO Node Bank. The Install /Update ITO Software and
Configuration window opens.
b. Select all components and click [OK].
NOTE Do not check [Force Update] otherwise the management server will
re-install the agent.
If the agent is pre-installed on the node, the management server will
activate the node, and install the selected components. Note that if
the agent software is not pre-installed, this action will install the
4. Execute the following command to verify that the control, message,
and action agents are all running on the managed node:
/opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcragt -status <node>