
Chapter 7 323
Integrating Applications into ITO
Integrating Applications into ITO
Running PerfView 3.0 and PerfView 4.0 in parallel
If you upgrade some managed nodes from PerfView 3.0 to the
MeasureWare agent, remember to perform either one of the following
two steps to avoid receiving redundant PerfView alarms:
unregister MeasureWare agents from the PerfView 3.0 analysis
station (PerfView’s central alarm logfile)
modify the PerfView logfile template in ITO to intercept only the
events originating from those managed nodes where PerfView 3.0 is
Allowing the Operator to Control ITO Agents
By default only an ITO administrator is allowed to start or stop ITO
agents on the managed nodes via the ITO GUI. However, changes to this
policy may be made by updating ITO Status, which ITO provides (in
the Application Bank) as a preconfigured ITO Application.
If you wish to allow the operators to control ITO agents, make two copies
of the “ITO Status” application, exchange the parameters, label and
description texts and, finally, assign these applications to your operators.
To do this, carry out the following steps:
1. From the menu bar, select Window:Application Bank…. The
Application Bank window opens.
2. Select the application ITO Status from the Application Bank.
3. Copy this application using Actions:Application->Copy and
modify it to become the ITO Agents Start application:
a. Change the attributes as follows:
Application Name: ITO Agents Start
Description: Starting of ITO Agents
Application call:
/opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcragt -start $OPC_NODES
Start on Target Node List: leave field empty
Executing user: root
Password: leave field empty