234 Chapter 5
Configuring ITO
Preconfigured Elements
ITO Control Agent Application on OS/2 Managed
The ITO control agent on OS/2 managed nodes is a Presentation
Manager application which displays a window that lets you start, stop,
query the status of, and kill the ITO agents. There is no command line
interface available for the ITO control agent.
NOTE Only the kill operation stops all ITO agent processes. The stop operation
stops all agent processes except for the ITO message agent and the ITO
control agent.
Actions and Programs on OS/2 Managed Nodes
The ITO action agent on OS/2 managed nodes can execute all those
programs the shell (CMD.EXE) can execute, as well as actions
encapsulated in DLLs (Dynamic-link Library). For example, frequently
used monitoring actions for OS/2 managed nodes reside in the DLL
opcvend.dll. This configuration improves performance because actions
are executed very quickly once the DLL is loaded into active memory.
The notation for calling DLL-encapsulated actions is:
See the templates os2_swap_util or os2_disk_util for examples.
List running
opcps.cmd Displays the status of
processes and their threads
running on OS/2 managed
node. Uses OS/2 native
utility PSTAT.EXE.
List mounted drives opcdrive.cmd Displays drives (and types)
mounted on an OS/2
managed node.
Display Free Space opcfree.cmd Displays free space, as well
as percentage of utilization,
of both local and network
drives mounted on an OS/2
managed node.
Application Command Description