Chapter 10 469
Tuning, Troubleshooting, Security, and Maintenance
System Maintenance
❏ The ITO database files automatically consume the extra disk space
required to cope with any growth. If a disk runs out of space, you can
use other disks to add additional files for a tablespace. See the Oracle
information for more information.
❏ Every time a user runs the command; connect internal, Oracle
adds an audit file to the directory; $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/audit.
Since the monitor template, mondbfile, runs the connect
internal command every ten minutes or so, it is advisable to review
the files in this directory regularly and remove them if necessary.
Upgrading the Oracle Database Version
ITO A.04.00 supported Oracle 7.2.3, 7.3.3, and 7.3.4 (after recertification)
on HP-UX 10.x, and Oracle 7.3.4 on HP-UX 11.0. ITO A.05.00 supports
Oracle 7.3.4 and 8.0.5 on HP-UX 10.20 and Oracle 8.0.5 on HP-UX 11.0.
Binaries for a given version of Oracle on HP-UX 10.20 are not the same
as the binaries for the same Oracle version on HP-UX 11.0 - they are
different releases. Consequently, if you upgrade the operating system
from HP-UX 10.20 to HP-UX 11.0, you will have to upgrade the
database, too.
NOTE If you are using the HP-UX 10.20 operating system, we recommend you
upgrade to Oracle 7.3.4. Since this version of the Oracle database is
supported by both ITO 4.x and ITO A.05.00, you can verify that the
database upgrade worked using the current ITO installation. This makes
the subsequent ITO easier.
If you are using the same version of Oracle (7.3.4) for ITO 04.0x and
A.05.00, you can maintain the old database. If you are going to upgrade
the database version, you should download the configuration data with
opccfdwn(1m). You can choose to download messages, too. This
configuration data can be uploaded to the new database using
opccfgupld(1m) after you have installed the new ITO software.
Upgrade the Oracle database as described in the documentation supplied
with the database. If you changed the setting of the ORACLE_HOME
variable when upgrading the database, you will have to manually change
the setting of ORACLE_HOME in the following files, which are created,
modified, or used by ITO:
❏ /etc/oratab
❏ /etc/profile