
Chapter 10 467
Tuning, Troubleshooting, Security, and Maintenance
System Maintenance
Use a full offline backup that was taken with opc_backup with the
full option
Restore a full offline backup of the complete system
To restore the database to its state at the time of the last backup
requires only data contained in the backup. This means, that the restore
will work even if you have to re-install ITO. However, the restore is
incomplete from an Oracle point of view, since it is not done to the latest
state. In addition, Oracle log numbers are reset in the control files and in
the online redo logs. The control files are restored from a backup control
file, and missing online redo log files are re-created by the Oracle recover
Recovering the database to the latest state is a little more complicated.
This scenario uses not only the data contained in the backup but also
data on the system itself (online redo logs and archive logs since the last
backup). In addition, this method may introduce inconsistencies between
the configuration files (restored to the state of the backup) and the data
in the database (restored to the latest possible state). Consequently, the
recovery scenario will work only if the following restrictions apply:
All control files must exist. Normally, control files are mirrored. If one
of the control file still exists, it can be copied from one location to the
other. However, this should be done by an Oracle DBA. The scripts
will only restore to the latest state if all control files exist.
All online redo log files must exist. Online redo log files can be
mirrored. If one of the online redo log files in a log group still exists, it
can be copied to the other locations. This should be done by an Oracle
DBA. The scripts will only restore to the latest state if all redo log
files exist.
The Oracle log number has not been reset since the backup
All archived redo logs made since the backup still exist
No ITO users have been modified since the backup (this modifies files
in the file system)
No ECS templates have been added since the backup
NOTE The ITO queue files are neither backed up with the automated backup
scripts nor deleted during the restore. In addition, the messages in the
queue files at the time of the backup are not in the database and are