Chapter 5 271
Configuring ITO
Flexible-management Configuration
This is also used to escalate messages from one manager to another.
Management server to which you forward a message.
NOTE Always specify the IP address of the target management server as The real IP address is then resolved by the domain name
service (DNS).
The name of the corresponding time template. You can use the
variable $OPC_ALWAYS if the time condition is always true. When
you use this keyword, message transfer to the target manager will
not depend on the time.
The node name of the ITO Manager. You can use the keyword,
$OPC_PRIMARY_MGR to denote that this will always be the
primary manager.
Attribute of a message target manager enabling it to switch
control of a message.
Attribute of a message target manager enabling it to notify itself.
This is set by default if no attribute is defined for the message
target manager.
Attribute for a message rule to force a direct acknowledgment of a
notification message on a source management server.
These conditions tell the agent to which management server to
send specific messages, based on message attributes and/or time.
The message agent evaluates the message target conditions by
reading the file mgrconf. If the mgrconf file does not exist, the