
468 Chapter 10
Tuning, Troubleshooting, Security, and Maintenance
System Maintenance
processed only when the ITO processes are next restarted. If corrupt
queue files prevent the server processes from being started, remove the
queue files.
1. Stop all ITO server processes:
2. Remove a selected or all temporary files:
rm -f /var/opt/OV/share/tmp/OpC/mgmt_sv/*
3. Restart the ITO server processes:
Maintaining the Database
To ensure that the ITO database runs efficiently, you should perform the
following tasks periodically:
Download history messages and audit information using the
Database Maintenance window.
To restore previously backed-up history messages or audit
information, see the opchistupl(1m) or opcaudupl(1m) man
pages in the HP OpenView IT/Operations Man Pages.
Backup the ITO configuration regularly. See the previous sections for
more informations on what backup possibilities are available in ITO.
Re-organize the database using opcdbreorg. This tool frees empty
pages and re-organizes the B-trees. For more details, see the
opcdbreorg(1m) man page.
If a very large number of messages have been produced—perhaps by
an inappropriately configured template—operators may find that
their Message Browser takes a long time to open. In this case, as
user root use the command-line utilities opcack or opcackmsg to
acknowledge these messages and move them to the history database.
For more details, see the opcack(1m) and opcackmsg(1m) man