48 Chapter 2
Installing ITO Agents on the Managed Nodes
General Installation Tips for Managed Nodes
❏ Identify managed nodes having more than one IP address, and
specify the most appropriate address (for example, the IP address of a
fast network connection) in the ITO configuration. Verify that all
other IP addresses of that managed node are also known at the
management server. Otherwise, the messages from the multiple IP
address systems might not be forwarded by ITO.
❏ During installation on managed nodes, twice the amount of disk
space actually required by ITO is necessary, because the tape image is
transferred to the managed node before uncompressing and
unpacking it.
❏ For MPE/ix managed nodes, use only fully qualified ARPA host
names. It is also recommended that you set the environment variable
HPSYSNAME to the name of your MPE/iX system. The best way to
do this is to insert the setting in a system-wide logon-UDC in the
Use long host names in your templates only when performing
automatic and/or operator initiated actions.
❏ Do not up or downgrade the OS version of the management server or
managed node to a level not supported by ITO. For a list of supported
OS versions on the management server, see the HP OpenView
IT/Operations Installation Guide for the Management Server, and on
the managed nodes, see Table 1-1, “Supported ITO-Agent Operating
System Versions,” on page 31. You can also get this information by
running the following script on the management server:
❏ Check that the system times of the management server and the
managed nodes are synchronized—as far as possible—to guarantee
that the time received on the management server is always later than
the time the message has been generated on the managed node.
❏ Make sure you know all the root passwords of all the managed nodes
when you install the ITO agent software.
On UNIX managed nodes, passwords are not required if an .rhosts
entry for root has been made or if the management server is included
in /etc/hosts.equiv (HP-UX 10.x/11.x).
❏ If you don’t have enough disk space in your UNIX file system for ITO,
apply one or more of the following solutions: