
EPSON Stylus Color 900 Revision C
Adjustment Adjustments 146
21. The screen automatically advances to the screen shown in Figure
Figure 5-28. Re-adjustment Screen
Then, move down (forward) the angular lever one step from the
center position after you loosen the two screws.
Figure 5-29. Moving the Head Adjustment Lever
22. Perform the same operation as the step 17-2 and 17-3.
23. Press the Enter key in the screen shown in Figure 5-28.
24. The printer runs the Head Angular Adjustment Pattern. The screen
shown in Figure 5-27 appears again.
25. Repeat Step 20 through Step 24 three more times and print 5
patterns on one page of A4 paper in sequence.
26. After printing 5 patterns, the printer ejects the sheet and the
program automatically returns to the screen shown in Figure 5-27.
27. From the 5 output check patterns, select the most desirable one
based on the reference patterns given in Figure 5-17 and Figure
5-18, and ensure the angular lever position for the selected pattern.
28. In the screen shown in Figure 5-27, select “Re-Adjustment” and set
the angular lever to the position selected as the most suitable in
Step 27. The screen returns to the condition shown in Figure 5-28.
29. In the screen (Figure 5-28), press the Enter key.
30. The printer prints with the angular lever set to the selected position.
The pattern, however, remains in the lower part of the mechanism
frame and can not be seen. The screen changes to the condition
shown in Figure 5-27.
Do not eject the sheet used in Step 30 by pressing the Eject button
to check the pattern. If you do so, mismatching between the
firmware and the special command for the adjustment will occur,
which causes the carriage to move irregularly.
31. In the screen (Figure 5-27), select “End”.
1. After you have m oved the angular adjustm ent lever,
2. push the color I/C from front side by using fine driver or tweezers.
3. Please gently tighten the screws the right side at first, and press
th e E n te r k e y.
4. The head angular adjustm ent pattern will b e p rin te d .
E n te r: O K
Please be sure not to m ove the CR during any operation in this adjustm ent.
In c a se o f 1 s t p rin t:
In case of others(2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th):
1. Loosen both screws.
2. O bey above steps(1 to 4).
Angular Lever C enter position
O ne notch dow n