
EPSON Stylus Color 900 Revision C
Adjustment Adjustments 136
5.2.2 Market Destination Check
This section describes how to confirm the destination selected in
Section 5.2.1 / Step 6. Unlike reading the model name (Section 5.2.1 /
Step 9-3), this routine only includes reading data from the printer’s
RAM. Therefore, the marked destination can be checked immediately.
1. Referring to Section 5.2.1, perform the preliminary operation.
2. Select “Adjustment 1” in the main adjustment screen (Figure 5-4).
3. The following screen appears.
Figure 5-5. Sub Adjustment Screen
4. Move the cursor to “Market Destination Check” and press the Enter
5. The following screen appears.
Figure 5-6. Market Destination Check Selection Screen
6. Press the Enter key again.
7. The following screen appears. The screen enables you to check the
selection made in Section 5.2.1 / Step 6. (The following figure is a
sample screen when the NLSP version for EDG is selected.)
E S C : Q u it U p /D o w n a rro w s: S e le c t E n te r: O K
********** E P S O N S tylus C O LO R 900 SERVICE PRO GRAM Version 1.2 **********
<< Adjustm ent 1 >>
Head Actuator Voltage ID Input
M arket Destination Check
M arket Destination Check
E s c: P re v io u s E n te r: O K
Checking the present Market Destination