
DVP-ES2/EX2/SS2/SA2/SX2/SE Operation Manual - Programming
2.9 S Relay
Starting instruction in Sequential Function Chart (SFC).
S0~S9, total 10 points.
Initial step relay
Returns to zero point when using IST instruction in program. Zero
return step relays not used for IST instruction can be used as
general step relays.
S10~S19, total 10 ponits.
Zero return step relay
In sequential function chart (SFC), latched step relay will be saved
when power loss after running. The state of power on after power
loss will be the same as the sate before power loss.
S20 ~ S127, total 108 points.
Latched step relay
General relays in sequential function chart (SFC). They will be
cleared when power loss after running.
S128 ~ S911, total 784 points.
General purpose step relay
Used with alarm driving instruction API 46 ANS as an alarm
contact for recording the alarm messages or eliminating external
S912 ~ S1023, total 112 points.
Alarm step relay
2.10 T (Timer)
The units of the timer are 1ms, 10ms and 100ms and the counting method is counting up. When
the present value in the timer equals the set value, the associated output coil will be ON. The set
value should be a K value in decimal and can be specified by the content of data register D.
The actual set time in the timer = timer resolutionĂ— set value
Ex: If set value is K200 and timer resolution is 10ms, the actual set time in timer will be 10ms*200 =
2000ms = 2 sec.
General Timer
The timer executes once when the program reaches END instruction. When TMR instruction is
executed, the timer coil will be ON when the current value reaches its preset value.
When X0 = ON, TMR instruction is driven. When current value achieves K100, the assocailte timer
contact T0 is ON to drive Y0. If X0 = OFFor the power is off, the current value in T0 will be cleared
as 0 and output Y0 driven by contact T0 will be OFF.
TMR T0 K100
10 sec