3. Instruction Set
reset after CH0 (Y0, Y1) pulse output is completed.
M1524 Auto-reset CH1 (Y2, Y3) when high speed pulse output completed. M524 will be
reset after CH1 (Y2, Y3) pulse output is completed.
M1534 Enable ramp-down time setting on Y0. Has to be used with D1348
M1535 Enable ramp-down time setting on Y2. Has to be used with D1349
2. Special registers:
D1026: Pulse number for masking Y0 when M1156 = ON (Low word). The function is
disabled when set value≦0. (Default = 0 )
D1027: Pulse number for masking Y0 when M1156 = ON (High word). The function is
disabled when set value≦0. (Default = 0 )
D1135: Pulse number for masking Y2 when M1156 = ON (Low word). The function is
disabled when set value≦0. (Default = 0 )
D1136: Pulse number for masking Y2 when M1156 = ON (High word). The function is
disabled when set value≦0. (Default = 0 )
D1030: Low word of the present value of CH0 (Y0, Y1) pulse output
D1031: High word of the present value of CH0 (Y0, Y1) pulse output
D1131: Input/output percentage value of CH0 (Y0, Y1) close loop control. Default: K100
D1132: Input/output percentage value of CH1 (Y2, Y3) close loop control. Default: K100
Idle time (pulse number) setting of CH0 (Y0, Y1) The function is disabled if set
Idle time (pulse number) setting of CH2 (Y2, Y3) The function is disabled if set
D1336: Low word of the present value of CH1 (Y2, Y3) pulse output
D1337: High word of the present value of CH1 (Y2, Y3) pulse output
D1340: Start/end frequency of the 1st group pulse output CH0 (Y0, Y1). Default: K100
D1352: Start/end frequency of the 2st group pulse output CH1 (Y2, Y3). Default: K100
Ramp up/down time of the 1st group pulse output CH0 (Y0, Y1). Default: K100
Ramp up/down time of the 2nd group pulse output CH1 (Y2, Y3). Default: K100
D1348: CH0(Y0, Y1) pulse output. When M1534 = ON, D1348 stores the ramp-down
time. Default: K100
D1349: CH1(Y2, Y3) pulse output. When M1535 = ON, D1349 stores the ramp-down
time. Default: K100