DVP-ES2/EX2/SS2/SA2/SX2/SE Operation Manual - Programming
Feedback Explanation Data storage
N format. D1076 low
A D1077 low
B D1078 low
C D1079 low
Retrieved status content. The content of ”ABCD” differs
according to value 00~03 set in NN. 00 ~ 03 indicates
frequency, current and operation mode respectively.
Please refer to the explanations below for details.
D1080 low
Nn = “00” Frequency command = ABC.D (Hz)
Nn = “01” Output frequency = ABC.D (Hz)
Nn = “02” Output current = ABC.D (A)
PLC will automatically convert the ASCII characters ”ABCD” into D1050. For
example, ”ABCD” = “0600”, PLC will convert ABCD into K0600 (0258 H) and store
it in the special register D1050.
Nn = “03” Operation command
‘A’ = ‘0’ Stop, ‘5’ JOG (forward)
‘1’ Forward operation ‘6’ JOG (reverse)
‘2’ Stop, ‘7’ JOG (reverse)
‘3’ Reverse operation ‘8’ Abnormal
‘4’ JOG (forward),
PLC will automatically convert the ASCII character in ”A” into D1051.
For example, ”A” = “3”, PLC will convert A into K3 and store it in the
special register D1051.
‘B’ = b7 b6 b5 b4 Frequency reference source
0 0 0 0 Digital keypad
0 0 0 1 1
Step Speed
0 0 1 0 2
Step Speed
0 0 1 1 3
Step Speed
0 1 0 0 4
Step Speed
0 1 0 1 5
Step Speed
0 1 1 0 6
Step Speed
0 1 1 1 7
Step Speed
1 0 0 0 JOG frequency
1 0 0 1 Analog input frequency command
1 0 1 0 RS-485 communication interface
1 0 1 1 Up/Down control
b3 = 0
Non-DC braking stop
DC braking stop
b2 = 0 Non-DC braking start 1 DC braking start
b1 = 0 Forward 1 Reverse
b0 = 0 Stop 1 Run
PLC will store bit status of ”B” in special auxiliary relay M1168 (b0) ~
M1175 (b7).
“CD” = “00” No error “10” OcA
“01” oc “11” Ocd
“02” ov “12” Ocn
“03” oH “13” GFF
“04” oL “14” Lv
“05” oL1 “15” Lv1
“06” EF “16” cF2
“07” cF1 “17” bb
“08” cF3 “18” oL2
“09” HPF “19”
PLC will automatically convert the ASCII characters in ”CD” into D1052.
For example, ”CD” = “16”, PLC will convert CD into K16 and store it in
the special register D10512
8. M1177 = ON, other Delta VFDs are supoported