DVP-ES2/EX2/SS2/SA2/SX2 Operation Manual - Programming
No. Content Range Format Note
D + 2
Second 0 ~ 59 Word
D + 3~4
Latitude 0 ~ 90 Float Unit: dd.mmmmmm
D + 5
North / South 0 or 1 Word 0(+)ÆNorth, 1(-)ÆSouth
D + 6~7
Longitude 0 ~ 180 Float Unit: ddd.mmmmmm
D + 8
East / West 0 or 1 Word 0(+)ÆEast, 1(-)ÆWest
D + 9
GPS data valid / invalid
0, 1, 2 Word 0 = invalid
D + 10
Day 1 ~ 31 Word
D + 11
Month 1 ~ 12 Word
D + 12
Year 2000 ~ Word
D + 13~14 Latitude -90 ~ 90 Float
Unit: ±dd.ddddd
D + 15~16 Longitude -180 ~ 180 Float
Unit: ±ddd.ddddd
4. When applying GPS instruction, COM1 has to be applied in Master mode, i.e. M1312 has to
be enabled to sending request. In addition, M1314 = ON indicates receiving completed.
M1315 = ON indicates receiving error. (D1250 = K1, receiving time-out; D1250 = K2,
checksum error)
5. Associated M flags and special D registers:
No. Function
M1312 COM1 (RS-232) sending request
M1313 COM1 (RS-232) ready for data receiving
M1314 COM1 (RS-232) data receiving completed
M1315 COM1 (RS-232) data receiving error
M1138 Retaining communication setting of COM1
D1036 COM1 (RS-232) Communication protocol
D1249 COM1 (RS-232) data receiving time-out setting. (Suggested value: >1s)
D1250 COM1 (RS-232) communication error code
6. Before applying the received GPS data, please check the value in D+9. If D+9 = 0, the GPS
data is invalid.
7. If data receiving error occurs, the previous data in D registers will not be cleared, i.e. the
previous received data remains intact.
Program example: Sentence identifier: $GPGGA
1. Set COM1communication protocol first