
Command: monitor
no monitor
Function: Enable debug information for Telnet client login to the switch, the Console end
debug display will be disabled at the same time; the “no monitor” command disables the
debug information and re-enables the Console end debug display. .
Command mode: Admin Mode
Usage Guide: When Telnet client accessing the switch enables Debug information, the
information is not shown in the Telnet interface, instead, it is displayed in the terminal
connecting to the Console port. This command specifies the debug information to be
displayed in the Telnet terminal screen instead of the Console or the other Telnet terminal
Example: Enable displaying the debug information in Telnet client.
Switch#monitor telnet
Command: telnet [<ip-addr>] [<port>]
Function: Login to a remote host with an IP address of <ip-addr> through Telnet.
Parameter: <ip-addr> is the remote host IP address in dot decimal format. <port> is the
port number, valid value is 0 – 65535.
Command mode: Admin Mode
Usage Guide: This command is used when the switch is used as a client, the user logs in
to remote hosts for configuration with this command. ES4626/ES4650 can only establish
TCP connection to one remote host as the Telnet client. If a connection to another remote
host is desired, the current TCP connection must be dropped. To disconnect with a remote
host, the shortcut key combination “CTRL+|” can be used.
Input Telnet keyword without any parameter enters the Telnet configuration mode.
Example: Telnet to a remote router with the IP address from the switch.
Switch#telnet 23
Connecting Host Port 23...
Service port is 23
Connected to 123
password: ***
route> ip telnet server
Command: ip telnet server