
Default: By default, there is no policy-map.
Command mode: Policy-map Mode
Usage Guide: Before create a policy-map class, users must create a policy-map and
enter the policy mode; Inside a policy-map, users can set the next hop according to the
traffic. The priority of the classes is decided by the sequence of configuration. For
example, if class c1 is configured before class c2, c1 has high priority than c2.
Example: Enter a policy-map mode.
Switch(config)#policy-map p1
Switch(config-PolicyMap)#class c1
Switch(config--Policy-Class)#exit set
Command: set {ip nexthop <nexthop-ip>}
no set {ip nexthop}
Function: Set the next hop IP address for the sorted traffic; The command “no set {ip
nexthop}” cancels the next hop setting.
Parameter: <nexthop-ip> sets the next hop IP address.
Default: By default, there are no next hop settings.
Command mode: Policy-class Mode
Usage guide: Users can only set the next hop IP address by matching the ACL policy.
Example: Set the next hop to IP address for the traffic which matches the
policy called c1.
Switch(config)#policy-map p1
Switch(config-PolicyMap)#class c1
Switch(config--Policy-Class)#set ip nexthop
Switch(config-PolicyMap)#exit service-policy
Command: service-policy {input <policy-map-name> | output <policy-map-name>}
no service-policy {input <policy-map-name> | output
Function: Apply a policy-map to a port; The command “no service-policy {input
<policy-map-name> | output <policy-map-name>}” removes the application of a
specified policy-map of the port.