mac-address-table. The current MAC address information is shown. See the equivalent
CLI command at
4.6.2 MAC address table configuration
Click MAC address table configuration, MAC address binding configuration. Users
can configure secure port features. Enbale port Mac-binding
Click MAC address table configuration, MAC address binding configuration, Enbale
port Mac-binding. Users can configure secure port features. Enbale port Mac-binding
Click MAC address table configuration, MAC address binding configuration, Enable
port Mac-binding, Enable port Mac-binding. Users can enable or disable switch port MAC
binding. See the equivalent CLI command at
& Port – Specify port
For example: Select port Ethernet1/1, and then click Apply. The MAC address binding
is enabled on the port Ethernet1/1. Lock port
Click MAC address table configuration, MAC address binding configuration, Lock port.
Users can lock the secure port and configure MAC address converting. Lock port
Click MAC address table configuration, MAC address binding configuration, Lock port,