packets (i.e. ping failed), the last two packets are replied successfully, the successful rate
is 40%. The switch represent ping failure with a “.”, for unreachable target; and ping
success with “!” , for reachable target.
protocol [IP]:
Target IP address:
Repeat count [5]: 100
Datagram size in byte [56]: 1000
Timeout in milli-seconds [2000]: 500
Extended commands [n]: n
Displayed information Explanation
protocol [IP]: Select the ping for IP protocol
Target IP address: Target IP address
Repeat count [5] Packet number, the default is 5
Datagram size in byte [56] ICMP packet size the default is 56 bytes
Timeout in milli-seconds [2000]: Timeout (in milliseconds,) the default is 2
Extended commands [n]: Whether to change the other options or not
2.2.2 Telnet Introduction to Telnet
Telnet is a simple remote terminal protocol for remote login. Using Telnet, the user
can login to a remote host with its IP address of hostname from his own workstation.
Telnet can send the user’s keystrokes to the remote host and send the remote host output
to the user’s screen through TCP connection. This is a transparent service, as to the user,
the keyboard and monitor seems to be connected to the remote host directly.
Telnet employs the Client-Server mode, the local system is the Telnet client and the
remote host is the Telnet server. ES4626/ES4650 can be either the Telnet Server or the
Telnet client.
When ES4626/ES4650 is used as the Telnet server, the user can use the Telnet client
program included in Windows or the other operation systems to login to ES4626/ES4650,
as described earlier in the In-band management section. As a Telnet server,
ES4626/ES4650 allows up to 5 telnet client TCP connections.
And as Telnet client, use telnet command under Admin Mode allow the user to login
to the other remote hosts. ES4626/ES4650 can only establish TCP connection to one