2. Configure the properties for the Ethernet ports
Command Explanation
Interface Mode
combo-forced-mode { copper-forced
| copper-preferred-auto | sfp-forced |
sfp-preferred-auto }
no combo-forced-mode
Set the combo port mode (combo ports
only); the “no combo-forced-mode”
command restores the default combo
mode for combo ports, i.e. fiber ports first.
no shutdown
Enable/Disable specified ports
no description
Name or cancel the name of specified
mdi { auto | across | normal }
no mdi
Set the cable type for the specified port;
this command is not supported on the ports
of 1000MB and above.
speed-duplex {auto | force10-half |
force10-full | force100-half |
force100-full | { {force1g-half |
force1g-full} [nonegotiate [master |
slave]] } }
Set port speed and duplex mode of
100Base/1000Base-TX ports. The “no”
format of this command restores the
default setting, i.e. negotiate speed and
duplex mode automatically.
no negotiation
Enable/Disable the auto-negotiation
function of 1000Base-FX port.
rate-limit {input|output} <level>
no rate-limit {input|output}
Set or cancel the bandwidth used for
incoming/outgoing traffic for specified ports
flow control
no flow control
Enable/Disable traffic control function for
specified ports
no loopback
Enable/Disable loopback test function for
specified ports
rate-suppression {dlf | broadcast |
multicast} <packets>
Enable the storm control function for
broadcast, multicast and unicast for
unknown destination (short for broadcast),
and set allowed broadcast packet number;
the “no” format of this command disables
the broadcast storm control function.
Command Explanation
Interface Mode
interface ethernet <interface-list> Enter the network port configuration mode.