
183 spanning-tree mst port-priority
Command: spanning-tree mst <instance-id> port-priority <port-priority>
no spanning-tree mst <instance-id> port-priority
Function: Set the current port priority for the specified instance; The command “no
spanning-tree mst <instance-id> port-priority” restores the default setting.
Parameter: <instance-id> sets the instance ID. The valid range is from 0 to 48;
<port-priority> sets port priority. The valid range is from 0 to 240. The value should be
the multiples of 16, such as 0, 16, 32…240.
Command mode: Interface Mode
Default: The default port priority is 128.
Usage Guide: By setting the port priority, users can control the port ID of the instance in
order to control the root port and designated port of the instance. The lower the value of
the port priority is, the higher the priority is.
Example: Set the port priority as 32 on the port 1/2 for the instance 1.
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/2
Switch(Config-Ethernet1/2)#spanning-tree mst 1 port-priority 32 spanning-tree mst priority
Command: spanning-tree mst <instance-id> priority <bridge-priority>
no spanning-tree mst <instance-id> priority
Function: Set the bridge priority for the specified instance; The command “no
spanning-tree mst <instance-id> priority” restores the default setting.
Parameter: <instance-id> sets instance ID. The valid range is from 0 to 48;
<bridge-priority> sets the switch priority. The valid range is from 0 to 61440. The value
should be the multiples of 4096, such as 0, 4096, 8192…61440.
Command mode: Global Mode
Default: The default bridge priority is 32768
Usage Guide: By setting the bridge priority, users can change the bridge ID for the
specified instance. And the bridge ID can influence the elections of root bridge and
designated port for the specified instance.
Example: Set the priority for Instance 2 to 4096.
Switch(Config)#spanning-tree mst 2 priority 4096 spanning-tree portfast
Command: spanning-tree portfast
no spanning-tree portfast