
the switch. In the case when in-band management fails due to switch configuration
changes, out-of-band management can be used for configuring and managing the switch. Management via Telnet
To manage the switch with Telnet, the following conditions should be met:
1) Switch has an IP address configured
2) The host IP address (Telnet client) and the switch’s VLAN interface IP address is
in the same network segment.
3) If not 2), Telnet client can connect to an IP address of the switch via other devices,
such as a router.
ES4626/ES4650 is a Layer 3 switch that can be configured with several IP addresses.
The following example assumes the shipment status of the switch where only VLAN1
exists in the system.
The following describes the steps for a Telnet client to connect to the switch’s VLAN1
interface by Telnet.
Fig 1-6 Manage the switch by Telnet
Step 1: Configure the IP addresses for the switch
First is the configuration of host IP address. This should be within the same network
segment as the switch VLAN1 interface IP address. Suppose the switch VLAN interface IP
address Then, a possible host IP address is Run “ping” from the host and verify the result, check for reasons if ping failed.
The IP address configuration commands for VLAN1 interface are listed below. Before
in-band management, the switch must be configured with an IP address by out-of-band
connect with serial
port cable