
Switch3(Config)#interface ethernet 1/10
Switch3(Config-Ethernet1/10)# speed-duplex force100-full
Switch3(Config-Ethernet1/10)#duplex full
3.4 Port Troubleshooting Help
3.4.1 Monitor and Debug Commands clear counters
Command: clear counters [{ethernet <interface-list> | vlan <vlan-id> | port-channel
<port-channel-number> | <interface-name>}]
Function: Clear the statistics of the specified port.
Parameter: <interface-list> stands for the Ethernet port number; < vlan-id > stands for
the VLAN interface number; <port-channel-number> for trunk interface number;
<interface-name> for interface name, such as port-channel1.
Command mode: Admin Mode
Default: Port statistics are not cleared by default.
Usage Guide: If no port is specified, then statistics of all ports will be cleared.
Example: Clear the statistics for Ethernet port 1/1.
Switch#clear counters ethernet 1/1 show interfaces status
Command: show interfaces status [{ethernet <interface-number> | vlan <vlan-id> |
port-channel <port-channel-number> | <interface-name>}]
Function: Display information about specified port.
Parameter: <interface-number> stands for the Ethernet port number; < vlan-id > stands
for the VLAN interface number; <port-channel-number> for trunk interface number;
<interface-name> for interface name, such as port-channel1.
Command mode: Admin Mode
Default: No port information is displayed by default.
Usage Guide: for Ethernet port, this command displays information about port speed,
duplex mode, traffic control on/off, broadcast storm control and statistics for packets
sent/received; for VLAN interface, this command displays MAC address, IP address and
statistics for packets sent/received; for trunk port, this command displays port speed,