● Carrying (CAR) - How well the player holds onto the football. A higher rating means the less chance of a fumble.
● Catching (CTH) - How well the player can catch. A higher rating means fewer drops. This attribute is associated
with the Hands weapon.
● Spectacular Catch (SPC) - A player's ability to make a spectacular catch. This attribute is associated with the
Spectacular Catch Receiver weapon.
● Catch in Traffic (CIT) - How well the player can catch the ball and maintain possession in tight coverage. This
attribute is associated with the Possession Receiver weapon.
● Route Running Rating (RTE) - How well the player runs the play's passing route. This attribute is associated with
the Quick Receiver weapon.
● Jumping (JMP) - The player's ability to jump, such as for grabbing high passes.
● Throw Power (THP) - How far a player can throw the ball. This attribute is associated with the Cannon Arm QB
● Throw Accuracy (THA) - How accurate a player throws. This attribute is associated with the Accurate QB weapon.
● Tackle (TAK) - A player's ability to tackle. This attribute is associated with the Brick Wall Defender weapon.
● Hit Power (POW) - The strength of the player's hit, which can determine the success of a tackle or the possibility
of a fumble. This attribute is associated with the Big Hitter weapon.
● Power Moves (PMV) - Look for high power moves in defensive linemen. Power Moves is the ability to power
through the block. This attribute is associated with the Power Move D-Lineman weapon.
● Finesse Moves (FMV) - Similar to power moves but it's the ability to spin or swim around blocks. This attribute is
associated with the Finesse Move D-Lineman weapon.
● Block Shedding (BSH) - How well the player can shed a block.
● Pursuit (PUR) - Skill in finding and pursuing the ball carrier--likely laterally. For instance: a linebacker moving down
the line to cut off the ball carrier.
● Man Coverage (MCV) - Skill of the defender in man coverage. This attribute is associated with the Shutdown
Corner weapon.
● Zone Coverage (ZCV) - Skill of the defender in zone coverage.
● Press Rating (PRS) - Ability of defender in press coverage. This attribute is associated with the Press Coverage
Corner weapon.
● Release Rating (RLS) - Ability of receiver to release from press coverage.
● Pass Block (PBK) - How well a player pass blocks. This attribute is associated with the Pass Blocker weapon.
● Run Block (RBK) - How well a player run blocks. This attribute is associated with the Crushing Run Blocker weapon.
● Impact Blocking (IBL) - Would seem to be the blockers ability to make a leveling "impact" style block.
● Run Block Strength (RBS) - How well the player run blocks.
● Run Block Footwork (RBF) - How well the player maintains footing during a run block.
● Pass Block Strength (PBS) - How well the player pass blocks.
● Pass Block Footwork (PBF) - How well the player maintains footing during a pass block.
● Kick Power (KPW) - A kicker's power. Higher power means longer kicks. This attribute is associated with the Big
Foot Kicker weapon.
● Kick Accuracy (KAC) - A kicker's accuracy. This attribute is associated with the Accurate Kicker weapon.
● Return (RET) - Skill of the player as a punt or kick returner.
● Stamina (STA) - The player's stamina level. The higher the rating, the more the player can be in the game before
he becomes fatigued.
● Injury (INJ) - The likelihood of an injury. The higher the rating, the less likely a player will get injured.
Arizona Cardinals
● '06 Record: 5-11 (4th in NFC West)
● '06 Offensive Stats: 312.5 yards per game (18th)
● '06 Defensive Stats: 349.4 yards allowed per game (29th)
● '06 Points Scored Per Game: 19.6 (19th in NFL)
● '06 Points Allowed Per Game: 24.3 (29th in NFL)
For the past few years there's a common theme as the NFL season approaches: this is the year the Arizona Cardinals
breakout. But it hasn't happened…yet. Last season, the Cardinals drafted Heisman trophy winning quarterback Matt
Leinart and added former Indianapolis Colts' elite running back and Stiff Arm Ball Carrier Edgerrin James. Although the
team showed promise, the final results--a 5-11 record in a soft NFC Western division--didn't meet expectations. With a
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