Green Bay Packers NFC North 8-8 80 11
Houston Texans AFC South 6-10 67 5
Indianapolis Colts AFC South 12-4 94 10
Jacksonville Jaguars AFC South 8-8 86 10
Kansas City Chiefs AFC West 9-7 80 9
Miami Dolphins AFC East 6-10 78 9
Minnesota Vikings NFC North 6-10 74 8
New England Patriots AFC East 12-4 97 13
New Orleans Saints NFC South 10-6 88 7
New York Giants NFC East 8-8 81 7
New York Jets AFC East 10-6 84 6
Oakland Raiders AFC West 2-14 67 9
Philadelphia Eagles NFC East 10-6 87 12
Pittsburgh Steelers AFC North 8-8 88 8
San Diego Chargers AFC West 14-2 95 16
San Francisco 49ers NFC West 7-9 82 8
Seattle Seahawks NFC West 9-7 89 9
St. Louis Rams NFC West 8-8 83 12
Tampa Bay Buccaneers NFC South 4-12 74 7
Tennessee Titans AFC South 8-8 73 3
Washington Redskins NFC East 5-11 81 11
Chapter 2 - Team Profiles and Rosters
This section features profiles and rosters of all 32 Madden 08 NFL teams. You'll find coverage of key players, including
weapon breakdowns, tips on using each team offensively and defensively, and each team's full roster and important
All players are rated on the following list of statistics. Many of these statistics are directly associated with a specific read
and react weapon: for instance, the speed statistic determines whether or not a player has the Speed (or Speed QB)
● Overall (OVR) - The overall rating for the player. The higher the better!
● Speed (SPD) - How fast the player can run. This attribute is associated with the Speed and Speed QB weapons.
● Strength (STR) - The player's strength, which affects his ability to break tackles.
● Agility (AGI) - The player's agility, enhancing his ability to switch directions.
● Acceleration (ACC) - How fast a player reaches full speed. Great for sprinting through open holes in your line.
● Awareness (AWR) - A player's ability to react and adjust. High awareness generally comes with more experience.
This attribute is associated with the Smart QB weapon.
● Trucking (TRK) - Player's ability to run over a defender attempting a tackle. Think of it as the offense's hit stick.
This attribute is associated with the Power Back weapon.
● Elusiveness (ELU) - Likely the ability to escape tackles (or perhaps sacks). This is a key statistic for running backs,
receivers, and quarterbacks. This attribute is associated with the Elusive Back weapon.
● Ball Carrier Vision (BCV) - Ball carrying vision: ability to spot the open field. This is a key statistic for running backs.
● Stiff Arm (SFA) - Player's ability with the stiff arm maneuver. This attribute is associated with the Stiff Arm Ball
Carrier weapon.
● Spin Move (SPM) - Player's ability with the spin maneuver.
● Juke Move (JKM) - Player's ability with the juke move.
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