The middle linebacker will defend this tight end post route: use a playmaker audible to a hook zone to get into position.
One of the easiest ways to tell which part of the field that your opponent is most likely to attack is where the ball is
placed on the field before the snap. For instance, suppose your opponent is starting the play on the right hash mark. By
starting on the right hash mark it will be in our best interest to try to defend against the tight end by preparing for the
post route. The reason we don't have to worry as much about the corner route as much is because there is a limited
amount of space on the right side of the field to make a catch.
In our example, the Denver Broncos have come out in the 4-3 DE Contain. Obviously, the two defensive ends assigned to
contain the quarterback are not necessary when playing against a relatively immobile quarterback like Damon Huard.
However, the reason that we chose this play is because our middle linebacker currently does not have an assignment
that we'll need to use. The linebacker's ineffective assignment against a team like the Chiefs enables us to change him in
any way possible before the snap.
If our opponent starts on the right hash mark, we change our middle linebacker's assignment to now perform a hook
zone to try to defend against the post route. When Huard fires the pass the Gonzalez on the post route, our middle
linebacker in the hook zone is lurking underneath and in perfect position to make a play. The ball may be swatted away
or even tipped for a big game-changing interception.
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