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The Nintendo 3DS Services are operated by Nintendo of Europe GmbH
Nintendo Center, 63760 Grossostheim, Germany
Email: info@nintendo.de, Telephone: +49 06026 950-0
VAT number: DE 132095955
Company registered at Local Court of Aschaenburg HRB 4276
Managing Director: Satoru Shibata
For support in your local language, please contact the Nintendo Customer Support. Telephone: +44 (0) 845 60 50 247
(You must gain the permission of the person responsible for paying the telephone bill before phoning, please dial carefully)
Alternatively, please visit www.nintendo.co.uk and click the support tab at the top of the page or email customer-support@nintendo.co.uk
Nintendo of Europe (“Nintendo”) and its products are in compliance with all applicable European Union Directives and Regulations, many of
which are aimed at environmental protection as well as consumer health and safety with respect to the manufacture, supply and use of
Nintendo products. A brief summary of the applicable EU Directives and Regulations, and Nintendo’s compliance with them, can be found on
the Nintendo of Europe website:
Nintendo hereby declares that “Nintendo 3DS XL” is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of directive
1999/5/EC. This Declaration of Conformity is published on our website. Please visit http://docs.nintendo-europe.com
Patent Information
European Registered Design: 1249155; 1249163; 1249171; 1249684;
1249700; 1249718; 1249726; 1249742; 1259212; 1268114.
Other Patents Pending.