Platform-Specic Issues and Tips
This chapter provides platform-specic tuning tips, and includes the following topics:
“Solaris Platform-Specic Issues” on page 89
“Solaris File System Tuning” on page 93
“Solaris Platform-Specic Performance Monitoring” on page 94
“Tuning Solaris for Performance Benchmarking” on page 96
“Tuning UltraSPARC T1–Based Systems for Performance Benchmarking” on page 97
Solaris Platform-Specic Issues
This section discusses miscellaneous Solaris-specic issues and tuning tips, and includes the
following topics:
“Files Open in a Single Process (File Descriptor Limits)” on page 89
“Failure to Connect to HTTP Server” on page 90
“Connection Refused Errors” on page 91
“Tuning TCP Buering” on page 91
“Using the Solaris Network Cache and Accelerator (SNCA)” on page 91
Files Open in a Single Process (File Descriptor Limits)
Dierent platforms each have limits on the number of les that can be open in a single process
at one time. For busy sites, you might need to increase that number. On Solaris systems, control
this limit by setting rlim_fd_max in the /etc/system le. For Solaris 8, the default is 1024,
which you can increase to 65536. For Solaris 9 and 10, the default is 65536, which doesn't need
to be increased.
After making this or any change in the /etc/system le, reboot Solaris to put the new settings
into eect. In addition, if you upgrade to a new version of Solaris, any line added to
/etc/system should be removed and added again only after verifying that it is still valid.