
Suitable maximum threads values range from 100-500, depending on the load. Maximum
Threads represents a hard limit for the maximum number of active threads that can run
simultaneously, which can become a bottleneck for performance. The default value is 128.
The thread pool minimum threads is the minimum number of threads the server initiates upon
startup. The default value is 16.
Note When conguring Web Server to be used with the Solaris Network Cache and
Accelerator (SNCA), setting the maximum threads and the queue size to 0 provides better
performance. Because SNCA manages the client connections, it is not necessary to set these
parameters. These parameters can also be set to 0 with non-SNCA congurations, especially for
cases in which short latency responses with no keep-alives must be delivered. It is important to
note that the maximum threads and queue size must both be set to 0.
For information about using SNCA, see
“Using the Solaris Network Cache and Accelerator
(SNCA)” on page 91
You can increase your thread limits in the Admin Console by editing the Maximum Threads
eld on the conguration's Performance tab HTTP tab, under Thread Pool Settings. In the
command-line interface, use the wadm set-thread-pool-prop command's max-threads
property. The default is 128.
File Cache Information (Static Content)
The cache information section provides statistics on how your le cache is being used. The le
cache caches static content so that the server handles requests for static content quickly. The le
cache contains information about les and static le content. The le cache also caches
information that is used to speed up processing of server-parsed HTML. For servlets and JSPs,
other kinds of caching are used.
For sites with scheduled updates to content, consider shutting down the cache while the content
is being updated, and starting it again after the update is complete. Although performance slows
down, the server operates normally when the cache is o.
For performance reasons, Web Server caches as follows:
For small les, it caches the content in memory (heap).
For large les, it caches the open le descriptors (to avoid opening and closing les).
The following is an example of how the cache statistics are displayed in perfdump:
File Cache Enabled yes
UsingMonitoringDatatoTuneYour Server
Chapter2 • TuningSunJavaSystemWebServer 59