TerminateTimeout directive, 42
test results, 103-126
thread pools, 48, 65-68
custom, 42-43
disabled, 41
native thread pool, 43-44, 66
threads, 40-46
acceptor, 52
creation statistics, 57-59
keep-alive, 56
maximum, 58
maximum and SNCA, 92
multi-process mode, 44
too few, 86
tips, general, 39-40
transaction isolation level, JDBC resource, 77
tuning maxLocks, 80
tuning MMapSessionManager, 81
tuning TCP buering, 91
tuning the Web Server, 39-83
Java web applications performance, 78-81
threads, processes, and connections, 40-46
using statistics, 48-77
tuning tips
general, 39-40
platform-specic, 89-99
tuning Web Server
6.1 to 7.0 parameter mapping, 46-48
keep-alive subsystem, 56
UFS, 93
under-throttled server, 86
UNIX le system, 93
using statistics to tune your server, 48-77
validation method, JDBC resource, 76
validation table name, JDBC resource, 76
virtual servers
default, 53
virtual servers (Continued)
HTTP listeners, 51
performance overview, 20
vmstat 60 command, 94
wait timeout, JDBC resource, 76
web applications, 71-72
session timeout, 80
statistics for, 28
tuning performance, 78-81
Web Server
start options, 99
tuning for studies, 107-108
work queue
length, 66
limit, 67
peak, 67
SunJavaSystemWebServer7.0Update1 PerformanceTuning,Sizing,and ScalingGuide •132