You must specify all conguration information for performance buckets in the magnus.conf
and obj.conf les. Only the default-bucket is automatically enabled.
First, you must enable performance statistics collection and perfdump.
The following examples show how to dene new buckets in magnus.conf:
Init fn="define-perf-bucket" name="acl-bucket" description="ACL bucket"
Init fn="define-perf-bucket" name="file-bucket" description="Non-cached responses"
Init fn="define-perf-bucket" name="cgi-bucket" description="CGI Stats"
The examples above create three buckets: acl-bucket, file-bucket, and cgi-bucket.To
associate these buckets with functions, add bucket=bucket-name to the obj.conf function for
which to measure performance.
PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="default" bucket="acl-bucket"
Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST)" type="*~magnus-internal/*"
fn="send-file" bucket="file-bucket"
<Object name="cgi">
ObjectType fn="force-type" type="magnus-internal/cgi"
Service fn="send-cgi" bucket="cgi-bucket"
For more information, see “The bucket Parameter” in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1
Administrator’s Conguration File Reference.
Performance Report
The server statistics in buckets can be accessed using perfdump. The performance buckets
information is located in the last section of the report returned by perfdump.
The report contains the following information:
Average, Total, and Percent columns give data for each requested statistic.
Request Processing Time is the total time required by the server to process all requests it
has received so far.
Number of Requests is the total number of requests for the function.
SunJavaSystemWebServer7.0Update1 PerformanceTuning,Sizing,and ScalingGuide •36