
<Object name="myname">
Service method=(GET|HEAD) type=*~magnus-internal/* fn=send-file
In the above example, the server does not cache static les from /export/mydir/ when
requested by the URL prex /myurl. For more information on editing obj.conf, see Sun Java
System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 Administrator’s Conguration File Reference.
File Cache Dynamic Control and Monitoring
You can add an object to obj.conf to dynamically monitor and control the le cache while the
server is running.
To Control and Monitor the File Cache
Add a NameTrans directive to thedefault object:
NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/nsfc" name="nsfc"
Add an nsfcobject denition:
<Object name="nsfc">
Service fn="service-nsfc-dump"
This enables the le cache control and monitoring function (nsfc-dump) to be accessed through
the URI /nfsc. To use a dierent URI, change the from parameter in the NameTrans directive.
The following is an example of the information you receive when you access the URI:
Sun Java System File Cache Status (pid 3602)
The file cache is enabled.
Cache resource utilization
Number of cached file entries = 174968 (152 bytes each, 26595136 total bytes)
Heap space used for cache = 1882632616/1882632760 bytes
Mapped memory used for medium file contents = 0/1 bytes
Number of cache lookup hits = 47615653/48089040 ( 99.02 %)
Number of hits/misses on cached file info = 23720344/324195
Number of hits/misses on cached file content = 16247503/174985
Number of outdated cache entries deleted = 0
Number of cache entry replacements = 0
Total number of cache entries deleted = 0
Parameter settings
UsingMonitoringDatatoTuneYour Server
SunJavaSystemWebServer7.0Update1 PerformanceTuning,Sizing,and ScalingGuide 64