File Cache Entries 141/1024
File Cache Hit Ratio 652/664 ( 98.19%)
Maximum Age 30
Accelerator Entries 120/1024
Acceleratable Requests 281/328 ( 85.67%)
Acceleratable Responses 131/144 ( 90.97%)
Accelerator Hit Ratio 247/281 ( 87.90%)
The following table shows the le cache statistics as displayed in the Admin Console:
TABLE2–4 FileCache Statistics
Total Cache Hits 46
Total Cache Misses 52
Total Cache Content Hits 0
Number of FileLookupFailures 9
Number of FileInformation Lookups 37
Number of FileInformation Lookup Failures 50
Number of Entries 12
Maximum Cache Size 1024
Number of Open File Entries 0
Number of Maximum Open FilesAllowed 1024
HeapSize 36064
Maximum Heap Cache Size 10735636
Size of Memory Mapped File Content 0
Maximum Memory Mapped FileSize 0
Maximum Age of Entries 30
Accelerator Entries
The number of les that have been cached in the accelerator cache.
You can increase the maximum number of accelerator cache entries by increasing the number
of le cache entries as described in “File Cache Entries” on page 62. Note that this number will
typically be smaller than the File Cache Entries number because the accelerator cache only
caches information about les and not directories. If the number is signicantly lower than the
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