Also, chunked encoding could aect the performance for HTTP 1.1 workload. Tuning the
response buer size could positively aect the performance. A higher response buer size in the
conguration's Performance tab ⇒ HTTP tab would result in sending a Content-length:
header, instead of chunking the response. To set the buer size using the CLI, use the wadm
set-http-prop command's output-buffer-size property.
You can also set the buer size for a Service-class function in the obj.conf le, using the
UseOutputStreamSize parameter. UseOutputStreamSize overrides the value set using the
output-buffer-size property. If UseOutputStreamSize is not set, Web Server uses the
output-buffer-size setting. If the output-buffer-size is not set, Web Server uses the
output-buffer-size default value of 8192.
The following example shows using the CLI to increase the output buer size, then deploying
the conguration (used if UseOutputStreamSize is not specied in obj.conf):
./wadm set-http-prop --user=admin-user --password-file=admin-password-le
--config=cong-name output-buffer-size=16384
./wadm deploy-config --user=admin-user --password-file=admin-password-le
The following example shows setting the buer size for the nsapi_test Service function:
<Object name="nsapitest">
ObjectType fn="force-type" type="magnus-internal/nsapitest"
Service method=(GET) type="magnus-internal/nsapitest" fn="nsapi_test"
Session Creation (Thread) Information
Session (thread) creation statistics are displayed in perfdump as follows:
Active Sessions 128
Keep-Alive Sessions 0
Total Sessions Created 128/128
Active Sessions shows the number of sessions (request processing threads) currently
servicing requests.
Keep-Alive Sessions shows the number of HTTP request processing threads serving
keep-alive sessions.
Total Sessions Created in perfdump shows both the number of sessions that have been
created and the maximum threads.
UsingMonitoringDatatoTuneYour Server
Chapter2 • TuningSunJavaSystemWebServer 57