
Chapter 4: Managing color
Translation between color models
Translation is the most complex element of a CMS. Because
each device is based on a device-dependent color model, such as
RGB or CMYK, the range of colors each device supports is dif-
ferent. It is difficult and sometimes impossible to produce a par-
ticular color on different devices when each device uses a
different color model.
Translation requires a device-independent color model. Most
color management systems are based on the CIE color space
model. This interpretation of color space was devised by the
Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE). Rather than
translating RGB to CIE and CIE to CMYK, most Color Man-
agement Systems translate directly from RGB to CMYK using
the CIE color space as a reference.
Popular color
There are many color management systems for you to choose
from. The type of CMS you choose will impact your printed
output. Choose a CMS that best meets your cost and perfor-
mance needs. Some popular color management systems are
listed below:
Windows ICM
Microsoft Windows 95/98, and Windows NT support Image
Color Management (ICM). ICM is an operating system-level
CMS based on the CIE independent color model. It helps to
translate color values between RGB and CMYK.
ColorSync 2.1
ColorSync 2.1 is an operating system-level CMS developed by
Apple. It also uses the CIE independent model to translate
between RGB and CMYK values.
Agfa FotoTune
Agfa FotoTune also uses the CIE independent color model to
translate between RGB and CMYK values. It is, however, appli-
cation-dependent and only works with certain applications, such
as Adobe Photoshop™.