76 DB2 Deployment Guide
2.4.1 Fix pack overview
A fix pack is a package that contains updates and fixes for reported problems
(also known as Authorized Program Analysis Reports, or “APARs”) with the DB2
product. Each fix pack contains an APARLIST.TXT file, which lists the fixes it
Fix packs are cumulative. This means that you can just install the latest fix pack,
which contains all of the updates from previous fix packs for the same DB2
For UNIX and Linux system, fix packs are normally delivered as compressed
packages. Before starting the installation, you have to uncompress and extract
the fix pack to a temporary directory. For Windows, they are normally delivered in
compressed executable format and can be uncompressed by executing them. Fix
packs can be found in the following DB2 support site.
There are different types of fix pack available on the IBM support Web site. You
have to decide which one meet your requirement by corresponding the fix pack
type to your existing DB2 installation. The most frequently used types include:
DB2 server fix pack:
This fix pack can be applied to any of the following server products:
– Enterprise Server Edition
– Workgroup Server Edition
– Express Edition
– Personal Edition
– Connect Enterprise Edition
– Connect Application Server Edition
– Connect Unlimited Edition for zSeries
– Connect Unlimited Edition for i5/OS
– IBM Data Server Client
Note: A single DB2 server fix pack can be used as an installation image for
the DB2 database server product at a particular fix pack level. This is a
useful feature for users who are looking to install DB2 directly at a
particular fix pack level without having to install GA (General Availability),
then applying a fix pack to it.
This installation method uses the license “Try and Buy” by default. So do
not forget to apply your own license after the install.