
Chapter 1. Introduction to DB2 deployment 19
In addition to differences in features, each edition also sets different system
limits. As shown in Table 1-6 on page 17, each edition has different CPU or PVU
limits in addition to memory utilization limits set for DB2 operation. Therefore,
when planning the DB2 server deployment, the planner must gather information
regarding the potential workload.
Generalized workload capabilities of DB2 server products are shown in
Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1 DB2 9.5 server product overview
InfoSphere Warehouse/DB2 Warehouse Edition (DWE)
- Unlimited CPU/PVU and unlimited memory
DB2 Enterprise Edition
- Unlimited CPU/PVU and unlimited memory
DB2 Workgroup Edition
- 480 Processor Value Units (PVUs) and 16 GB of memory
DB2 Express Edition
- 200 Processor Value Units (PVUs) and 4 GB of memory
DB2 Express-C FTL Edition
- 4 Cores and 4 GB of memory
DB2 Express-C Edition
- 2 Cores and 2 GB of memory
More features
More workload
More scalable