Chapter 2. DB2 server deployment 59
2.3.1 Setup of SSH and NFS
Before we can start the mass deployment, a secure and convenient
authentication channel must be set up to allow us to issue commands with proper
privileges to the remote machines.
Installing SSH on managed machines
For AIX platforms, OpenSSH and its prerequisites might not be installed by
default. Since in our case, ssh is required as the remote shell tool, OpenSSH has
to be installed and configured. For details, visit the AIX Information Center on the
IBM Web site and select the appropriate version of the AIX:
After OpenSSH has been installed, we can see the file sets, similar to those in
Example 2-9.
Example 2-9 NFS file sets on AIX
openssh.base.client COMMITTED Open Secure Shell Commands
openssh.base.server COMMITTED Open Secure Shell Server
openssh.license COMMITTED Open Secure Shell License
openssh.man.en_US COMMITTED Open Secure Shell
openssh.msg.en_US COMMITTED Open Secure Shell Messages -
openssh.base.client COMMITTED Open Secure Shell Commands
openssh.base.server COMMITTED Open Secure Shell Server
After the ssh service is available on your UNIX or Linux system, you can use the
ssh client to connect to it. The basic ssh command is shown below:
ssh [user]@<hostname> [command]
During the first ssh connection to the machine, you will be prompted to accept a
RSA authentication key. Type yes and input the user’s password. See
Example 2-10.
Note: For Linux platforms, OpenSSH is generally installed by default. Use the
command rpm to check for availability of OpenSSH on your Linux:
rpm -qa|grep -i ssh
Then ensure that the ssh service is up and running. For example, on SUSE
Linux or Red Hat Linux, you can issue the service command to obtain a
status report from the operating system:
service sshd status