Chapter 1. Introduction to DB2 deployment 9
InfoSphere Warehouse (as of 9.5.1)
InfoSphere™ Warehouse was called DB2 Warehouse Edition (DWE) in 9.5.0. It
is another product bundle that includes DB2 9.5 Enterprise Edition with the Data
Partitioning Feature (DPF) as well as other tools and features. There are six
different versions of this product offering:
DB2 Warehouse Starter Edition
DB2 Warehouse Intermediate Edition
DB2 Warehouse Base Edition
DB2 Warehouse Advanced Edition
DB2 Warehouse Enterprise Edition
DB2 Warehouse Developer Edition
InfoSphere Warehouse includes the following additional tools and features:
InfoSphere Warehouse Cubing Services
InfoSphere Warehouse Design Studio
InfoSphere Warehouse SQL Warehousing Tool
IBM DB2 Database Partitioning
IBM WebSphere Application Server
IBM Alphablox
Note that not all of the additional tools and features are included in each
Warehouse Edition. Depending on the InfoSphere Warehouse Edition, the items
included vary.
Table 1-2 summarizes DB2 product availability by platforms.
Table 1-2 DB2 product availability
Platforms DB2 Enterprise
and DB2
DB2 Express
and DB2
Windows XP, Vista 32bit Workstation No
Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s
XP x64, Vista x64 AMD64 EM64T No
Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s
Server 2003 32-bit Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Server 2003, x64 AMD64, EM64T Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Linux 64bit x64 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
64bit System z Yes No No No No
64bit POWER™ Yes Yes Yes No No
AIX 64bit Power 3+ Yes Yes No No No
HP-UX 64bit IA64 Yes Yes No No No