92 DB2 Deployment Guide
A smaller install image with only the required features and language options can
be obtained by using the command line tool db2iprune. This tool creates a new
and tailored install image based on the input provided. We show how to use
db2iprune in 3.2.3, “Reducing the installation image” on page 97.
3.1.4 Configuration and customization
When the DB2 client is installed, you must configure a number of settings such
as server nodes and database aliases to set up the connectivity. Any specific
behavior of the client must also be configured. These specific application
configurations and customizations must be taken into account when planning for
client deployment.
Configuration profile
The configuration profile is a file containing the connectivity information for a DB2
client. The configuration profile can be used to copy connectivity settings
between clients. These settings include the node directory and the database
directory, but other settings, such as the ODBC settings, are also included.
You can generate the configuration profile through an export from a client by
using the command line utility db2cfexp and then use db2cfimp to import the
profile on another client. More information about db2cfexp, including a link to
db2cfimp, can be found at the DB Information Center:
db2cli.ini initialization file
This file contains various keywords and values used to configure the behavior of
the DB2 client and the applications using it. The keywords are associated with
the database alias and affect all CLI and ODBC applications that access the
The default location for the file is the sqllib directory on the Windows platform and
the sqllib/cfg directory on Linux and UNIX.
Note: db2iprune is a command line utility for Windows only. The feature is not
available on Linux and UNIX.
Note: The configuration profile can also be imported during installation of the
client when using the response file installation method. This eliminates the use
of db2cfimp.